Just over a week ago, I had the pleasure and privilege of capturing some images of Propellor's performance, Flight which went live to a full-to-bursting house at the Brewery Arts, Kendal. Inspired by Mark Cocker's book, Birds and People, Flight is the second project of Propellor, a 12-piece ensemble who make audio-visual performances mapping our collective experience of the visual world.

“Flight explores the interconnected worlds of birds, soundscape ecology and music, tracing lines between the birds of our imaginations and the science of our times.”

Flight is an incredibly immersive and moving performance that's both ambitious and thought-provoking. If you missed it, then worry not; look out for more coming soon, as Flight goes on tour.

Thanks to everyone at Propellor, the Brewery Arts Centre and all the creatives involved. Awesome performance! Below is a small selection of some of my favourites. If you need a commercial photographer for your project, get in touch.